
April 15, 2013

"Board"-ing School

I'm not a very "gray area" type of girl.  Either I like something, or I don't...   On occasion this can be a bad thing.  For example, when someone feeds you something you don't really like.   They look at you with expectant puppy dog eyes hoping you will say it's the best thing you've ever eaten, when all you really want to do is spit it into a napkin.

This was the complete opposite. 
I not only wanted it,  I went back for seconds!  I had been at the Farmer's Market and out of the corner of my eye I saw some cutting boards.  I wasn't there to shop for anything other than fruit & veggies so I kept walking.  Then it started.  It was like an itch I had to scratch, I kept turning around and looking, I nearly threw my neck out from looking over my shoulder at these beauties.

So, as I made my way back around I decided to go say "hi" and get a closer look.  Let me be the first to tell you that no photo can do this piece of art justice.  The workmanship on these boards is beyond description.  It is clearly a labor of love.  Running my fingers over the smooth wood, not feeling a single rough spot or seam where it came together was just incredible.  The variations in the wood, the colors and natural beauty shine through like nothing else I have ever seen, I mean EVER.

I must have stopped back at their booth a handful of times that afternoon.  I just couldn't get over the beauty of these boards.  They are so unique and so gorgeous that I just kept feeling this pull toward them.  The lovely people at Boards 4 Friends let me take a photo and I posted it on Facebook.  Well, that set off a fire-storm of interest!   Then, I just couldn't get it out of my head.  I needed to reach out to them and tell them how many people were interested in what they do and here we are.

I wanted to go to their shop and actually see the process and share it with all of you.  I told you, I'm pretty black & white.  If I like something, I REALLY like it and these... I love.

I am the very lucky and proud owner of this little prize right here:

Bill and Martin were gracious enough to let me photograph them and their workshop so I could see the process.  I was able to see how the boards come together, step by step.   It is something that I know nothing about and found it absolutely fascinating to see pieces of wood come together and become the most stunning board I've ever laid eyes on.

Bill, Martin, Joe and Sharon are the four friends the company is named for: Boards4Friends.  Together, they  do everything... from taking orders, to making boards and sending them to their new homes.  It is really impressive what they are able to turn out in a small space with only the four of them doing the work. 
If you are in the market for a beautiful cutting board, I can not recommend them enough.  The boards are beautiful and incredibly well made. 
Here,  let me show you:

Bill lining up various pieces of wood to adhere them to one another

Nice and snug!

Martin running a board through the planer 

measure twice, cut once!

Making strips of wood to create the design for my Jayven board

On to the next step!

Design is laid out! Now to make the board!

branding board with logo

Martin smoothing her out!

 Branded & Sanded!

now for a little gloss... 

Bill giving her a mineral oil rub down!

Bill & Martin  :)

Thank you so much to Boards4Friends for the gorgeous cutting board and for being so gracious and fun!  You are an amazing bunch!


  1. holy guacamole, that's a gorgeous board, Cheryl! WOWZA! I can't even imagine the meticulous labor that goes into the making of these. The photos were awesome to see. I hope you're enjoying your new piece of functional art!

    1. Yes indeed Becca! It was really cool to see how they go from pieces of wood to gorgeous cutting board!

  2. Gorgeous-boardgeous! Now I am jealous a bit. More than a bit. Blogging is such a fun thing, because things like these posts can happen! Love it!

    1. It was so so fun Sissy to see how they are made! Really nice experience :)

  3. I am so going to buy one. Clicking on the link next!

    1. YAY LisaAnn! You won't be sorry! It's money well spent.

  4. These are amazingly beautiful! Truly a work of art!

  5. Those are AWESOME! I want one!
