
January 06, 2013

Dim Sum Good Eats

Unless you live under a rock, everyone is familiar with Chinese take-out.  Let me be the one to tell you that what you are eating isn't exactly Chinese food.  It's like going to Taco Bell and saying you had Mexican food...

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, let's move on shall we?

Dim Sum.  It's an experience like no other.  For me, it is complete and utter sensory overload and I adore every second of it.  The clinging of metal and ceramic as plates of food go whizzing by and the staccato of a language I don't understand.  The unfamiliar smells mingled with the scents of spices I know so well amidst the hurried movements of the women peddling an array of dishes from the kitchen.  It is an assault on the senses in the very best of ways.

As I take in my surroundings on this particular day, I come to the realization that I am the only non-Asian in the entire restaurant.  This is a sure sign that the food is authentic and it's going to be damn good!

When I go out to eat with friends, some of them tend to defer to me for choosing our menu for the evening given what I do...  this time it was the reverse.   I happily sat there listening to my friends tell the women what we would like from their carts and watched with glee as it was set down in the center of our table.   Of the 8 or so dishes we ordered, there were only a few that I had seen before...  The rest of them had familiar flavors or ingredients, but as a whole were new to me.   (insert squeal here!)

It can be a bit daunting to go to a restaurant and order food that is unfamiliar or in my case, not speak the language.  Luckily for me, I was accompanied by the Lee sisters who took care of that.  During dinner I brought this topic up and the girls were quick to respond that one would simply point at whatever you want to try.  

Being exposed to new things in life is something I thrive on and when it comes to food, it's tenfold. 
I will admit that on occasion when I go out, I tend to order my *favorite* thing from certain places, but when I go to a new place, I always try to order something I've never had.  
I think of trying new food this way: If I don't like it, I can always go home and make a sandwich... at least I tried.
This day was a win on all fronts!

The beginning of a new year offers us ample opportunities to try new things, be a little more adventurous and have new experiences.  I am making an effort to do just that and I hope this year brings you a culinary adventure or two along the way.