
August 14, 2012

I'll have what she's having...

I'm not really sure why,  but when I think of strawberry daiquiris, I think of the 80's.   Things like parachute pants and rubber bracelets,  big hair and Duran Duran.  Considering I was barely a "tween" in the mid-80's and not yet the cocktail connoisseur I am today, there really is no basis for this. 

But, here's the thing... no one seems to tip back fruity drinks with little umbrellas anymore, everything is a "skinny" something or another now.  Not that there's anything wrong with watching your caloric intake, but sometimes a girl needs a drink.  A proper drink- made in a blender, served in a pretty glass with a little garnish.

I'm sure most of us can't even remember the last time we had one (unless of course that's because you had MANY), which is a shame because it really is one of those great summer drinks.
Well, I intend on bringing this little libation that could back into the spotlight.

If you've never had a strawberry daiquiri made from actual strawberries, then you are in for a treat.  The drinks made from that bottle of  chemical-laden red stuff can not begin to compare with one made from fresh ingredients.  The sweet fragrance of ripe strawberries filling your kitchen is enough to start your mouth salivating.

There will be no sickly sweet, artificially flavored mixes that are a most unnatural and slightly unnerving shade of red.  Just berries, rum, some sugar & a splash of lime juice blended with some ice & you are well on your way to one of the best things you can put in a glass.

It is summer so get some local berries and throw them in the blender, saunter out to the porch/patio/deck, put your feet up and put on some of your best 80's tunes...

Strawberry Daiquiri
  • 4 cups strawberries, hulled & halved
  • 1 cup white rum
  • 1/4 cup fresh lime juice
  • 1/2 cup simple syrup
  • 1 cup crushed ice

- Throw everything into the blender & let it rip... 
If you like your drinks a little "slushier" (yes, that's a word now) add in another 1/2 cup or so of ice.


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