
March 26, 2012

When In Rome...

...or Florida, to be more exact.  I may not always succeed, but I do try to practice what I preach.
On my recent visit to the Sunshine State, I wanted to find a local farmer's market and was pleasantly surprised to find one that is a permanent fixture as opposed to only being set up once or twice a week.

Marando Farms offers not only local produce, but they also have local honey, farm fresh eggs and the best part of all...  a community garden.
If you are in the area or vacationing nearby it's worth the trip to see this little gem.

Supermarkets simply do not carry the varieties of produce that are available at Farmer's Markets. 
Because the food we buy there isn't mass produced, the farmers are able to bring in smaller quantities of different  crops.

In other words, more variety...  and isn't that the spice of life? 
Who wants to have a Red Delicious every single day when you could have a Honeycrisp, Senshu, Winesap or Pink Lady? 
Another added bonus to eating locally is supporting the local economy;  money spent supporting local farmers stays in the community.

Eating locally (especially on vacation), provides an opportunity to try new things by giving you the chance to see fruits and vegetables that may be different than what you see at your own market.  It allows you to experience local flavors and try foods that you may not have had before.

AND...  because you're eating locally, you are getting food that is fresh because it did not have to travel halfway across the country (or PLANET) to get to you, thereby retaining it's nutritional value.
So, whether it's your neighborhood Green Market that gathers every Saturday or scouting out a local Farmer's Market on vacation, eat locally! 

Food just tastes better when it's fresh...

1 comment:

  1. Love these pictures...I came to your page when I was looking for a picture of a "Bennett Pepper" which I bought at the nursery the other day because I couldn't believe I was reading what I was reading...I'm a Bennett too and I'm totally curious to know if you know what these guys look like? I'll definitely blog about it when it produces but I'm so so curious. Cheers and happy blogging!! Please let me know somehow if you know what these peppers are like!
